Improve Your Website Traffic With a Well-Planned Keyword Strategy

Evaluate Your Keyword Strategy and Boost Your Website Traffic


12 Apr 2023


6:14 AM


12 Apr 2023


6:14 AM

Google remains the primary search engine for individuals seeking information online, with more than 3.5 billion searches conducted on it daily.To attract visitors to your website, it is crucial to comprehend how Google identifies and presents search results. By making informed decisions about your site, you can increase the likelihood of your pages appearing prominently on Google’s search results page. It is important to have a well thought out keyword strategy because they play a crucial role in how online content is discovered by search engines and users.

 Having your web pages displayed as top results on Google Search increases the probability of users clicking and visiting your site. Once they are on your website, you can provide them with relevant information and prompt them to take further actions. However, it all begins with having a well-planned keyword strategy.

The Importance of Having a Keyword Strategy

The use of relevant keywords informs Google about the content of your website’s pages. Based on the keywords used, Google’s algorithm assigns a rank based on the level of relevancy to a user’s search request. Although Google’s algorithm has become more advanced over time, the direct correlation between the content of your website and the user’s search query remains a constant factor in page ranking. Without a well-defined keyword strategy, it can be difficult to optimize content for relevant search terms and drive traffic to a website.

Therefore, it is essential to not only identify keywords that are recognized by Google but also to create content that is best suited to fulfill the user’s search needs. Combining these factors results in higher traffic to your website, which in turn, increases the chances of conversions.

Utilize the Power of Organic Search as an Acquisition Channel & Optimize Your Keyword Strategy 

There are various methods for gaining leads or visitors to your website, but according to Google Analytics data, organic search is a significant acquisition channel for many companies, and it could be the most important one. 

It is not uncommon to observe up to 70% of website traffic coming from organic searches when reviewing data with clients. Visitors arriving at websites through organic search tend to be more involved, as they spend more time on the site, view more pages on average, and generate the highest percentage of conversions. This emphasizes the importance of paying attention to your keyword strategy, as it directly impacts the number of people you can attract to your website. Understanding what works best for your business can help you optimize your keyword strategy to gain more organic traffic and achieve greater success.

Implementing a Keyword Strategy Can be Beneficial at Any Time

Establishing a strong keyword strategy during the development phase of your website can provide the most significant benefits. This is because keywords help guide the information architecture and content creation process. However, even if your website is already live, it is never too late to refine your keyword approach. Optimizing your website for keywords can be done on any platform, regardless of which content management system (CMS) is used. The essential steps for researching, building, and optimizing your strategy remain the same, and it is always possible to improve your keyword strategy regardless of when you start.

Utilize Research to Create & Enhance Your List of Targeted Keywords

Conducting fundamental research can help confirm that your current keywords are the most effective ones for your business. It can also aid in identifying new keywords that can boost organic traffic to your website.

By analyzing the performance of your website and understanding how users are discovering your content, you can make informed decisions about which keywords to retain and which ones to include. By carrying out the three actions detailed below, you can generate a list of keywords that are pertinent to your organization, Google, and your audience. These activities’ outcomes can assist you in creating or refining your keyword strategy.

  • You can utilize Google Search Console to examine the primary search terms for your website. This will enable you to comprehend the terms that users are currently searching with, as well as provide insights into the content on your website that Google considers to be of high value.
  • Determine the significant pages on your website that you want Google to prioritize in ranking. Identify the pages where you would like visitors to land, such as those with the most relevant information or highest conversion opportunities. Evaluate these pages to ensure that the content is relevant and contains keywords that are already being searched for by people.
  • To improve your keyword strategy, you can conduct competitive analysis by searching for the terms you want to target and analyzing the content on the top-ranking pages. By doing so, you can gain insights on how to optimize your own pages for those keywords.

It is important to note that effective keywords may consist of more than one word, which can often be more impactful. In fact, around 25% of Google searches involve two words. Thus, it’s necessary to consider the topics your website covers as multi-word phrases, allowing you to link concepts and data specific to your company, setting your content apart from others.

Strategically Incorporate Targeted Keywords into Your Website’s Content

After finalizing your list of keywords, it’s important to review your content, especially on high-priority pages, and ensure that the keywords appear in relevant places. You should integrate the keywords into your content in a strategic way, which can help Google better understand the topics covered in your content and display your site’s pages in relevant search results.

To optimize your content for search engines, include your chosen keywords in strategic places. This includes using keywords in page titles and meta descriptions in the backend of your CMS. On each page, incorporate keywords into the H1 headings and the main body of the content. However, it is essential to be natural and use keywords in a way that feels conversational. Don’t overuse keywords or stuff them unnaturally into the text. Aim to write for humans first and search engines second.

When it comes to incorporating keywords into your content, it’s essential to make it sound natural. For instance, if you were speaking to someone about the topic covered in this section, you would not mention your keywords more than once or twice, as it would sound unnatural. Similarly, on your website, avoid using keywords excessively as it can negatively impact the user experience.

It’s important to avoid keyword stuffing, which means unnecessarily repeating keywords within a small section of text. This can harm your search rankings. Instead, prioritize your reader when crafting content and using keywords.

Final Thoughts

When creating your keyword strategy, it’s important to consider your target audience and how they search for information, not just how Google ranks pages. This means understanding your users’ search behaviors and creating content that is relevant to them. By delivering content related to your keywords in a way that resonates with your users, you can create a more effective keyword strategy.

Always keep in mind that the purpose of your keywords and the content they lead to is to provide solutions, information, or answers to the needs, questions, or problems of your target audience. This approach will enable you to offer the most valuable user experience and generate the maximum traffic to your website.
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