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Preethi Philip

Preethi holds a Post Graduate Research Degree in Economics and possesses over a decade of experience in writing, editing, research, and teaching. She is a tech-savvy wordsmith dedicated to unraveling the intricate world of technology through captivating blog posts. Her diverse interests span various subjects, including business, technology, health and lifestyle, education, and the environment, which she passionately explores through her writing.
IoT for Oil and Gas
The oil and gas industry is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of IoT (Internet of Things) technology. This blog is a quick peek at why IoT for oil and gas is crucial to enhance the performance of the industry by analyzing its benefits and applications.   IoT is

10 Apr 2024, 07:22 AM

SaaS Management
SaaS management is a crucial need in this era where SaaS explosion is the norm. SaaS solutions now cater to every niche and company, and as per reports, organizations use an average of 130 apps. This abundance of SaaS applications requires effective management.  This blog is all about the

28 Feb 2024, 00:37 AM

How to Transform Digital Experiences With Human Centered Design
Human Centered Design (HCD) is an iterative design process that focuses on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of end-users throughout the design and development of a product or service.  Let me try putting this concept in simple terms. Human Centered Design is like making sure your favorite pair

28 Dec 2023, 03:15 AM

Six Popular Scrum Software Tools
Scrum software tools are essential companions for teams embracing the agile Scrum framework. These tools streamline project management, enabling teams to break down work into manageable sprints, collaborate effectively, and iterate quickly.  Software development companies widely adopt Scrum due to its agile methodology, providing a structured framework that aligns

5 Dec 2023, 23:22 PM

Why do organizations need compliance management software or why do they hire developers to build one? Well, there are certain things that lead to
The oil and gas industry is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of IoT (Internet of Things) technology. This blog is a quick
Custom enterprise software development has been around here for a long time now. It has a growing relevance these days due to its unprecedented

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